We provide a core for the use of investigators at the University, and, by special arrangement, for investigators anywhere in Hawaiʻi and in other IDeA and non-IDeA states. We provide rodent metabolic phenotyping, murine echocardiography, blood pressure determinations, surgical procedures and phlebotomy, real-time metabolic assessment, analyses of lipoprotein fractions and subfractions in fasting serum or plasma, animal CT scans and MRIs, as well as assistance with mouse husbandry and genotyping.
The Metabolic and Analytic Core is predominantly located at the Kaka’ako campus of the University of Hawaii and has a number of pieces of equipment:
* used and serviced by the Genomics and Bioinformatics Shared Resource (GBSR) at the UHCC
** used and serviced by Yiqiang (Ken) Zhang
2.1. Independent access to the instruments is restricted to users who have demonstrated competency using the instruments. Independent after-hour access is restricted to those who have 5 or more hours of notified use during normal business hours, are currently enrolled students and employees of the University of Hawaii or employees of the Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii, and possess key cards with programmed access to the rooms and/or buildings in which in the instruments are housed. Exceptions can be granted by the directors of the DRC and the Core.
2.2. If there is a long lapse without using equipment (3 months or more), the Core reserves the right to revoke after-hours independent access, pending demonstration of proficiency. For lapses of 6 month or more, a refresher or full re-training may be required, pending evaluation by Core personnel.
2.3. Users without key card access can utilize the instrumentation during business hours under the supervision of Core personnel. Exceptions can be granted by the directors of the DRC and the Core. Assisted sessions and training take place during normal business hours only.
2.4. Access to the IVIS Lumina imaging instrument in the Biosciences Building Vivarium is limited to users who are trained and approved for access to the Vivarium. The Animal and Veterinary Services (AVS) can provide information regarding specific requirements for access to the Vivarium (Michael Wong, D.V.M., wongmich@hawaii.edu; Lisa Sato, lisaho@hawaii.edu).
2.5. In order to access instrument computers, users must have an individual computer login that is provided upon training. Shared use of login information is strictly prohibited and may result in termination of access to the Core.
2.6. Users are required to sign in on the paper log sheets next to each instrument. The requested information in these log sheets helps to track any problems with the instruments as well as usage of lamp time, gasses, and other consumables. All users must keep track of their time on all instruments or software, whether the user logs in to the computer or not and whether there is an associated fee or not.
2.7. There is no training offered for metabolic flux measurements (Seahorse XFe96), which is only provided as a service performed by trained personnel depending on instrument availability.
4.1. All users must be in compliance with laboratory and biosafety training requirements established by the University of Hawaii Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHSO) www.hawaii.edu/ehso/training/ and the Office of Research Compliance Biological Safety Program (BSP) https://research.hawaii.edu/orc/biological-safety/.
4.2. Use of any hazardous material that may be biological and/or chemical, must be reviewed and received prior approval by the Core director. The user is obligated to provide SOPs, which must include handling of the sample and control of potential spills and decontamination. Radioactive material or samples requiring BSL-3 or BSL-4 conditions cannot be handled under any circumstances in this facility.
4.3. For any samples, manipulation should be kept to a minimum within the facility. It is highly recommended that sample preparation (changing media, pipetting, mixing, etc.) be performed in the user’s lab before the samples are transferred to the facility. All biological and chemical waste must be disposed of in the user’s lab.
4.4. For live-cell manipulation, all materials (media, etc.) should be prepared in the user’s lab and must be fully contained (e.g. closed perfusion system). All biological and chemical waste must be disposed of in the user’s lab.
4.5. During any active manipulation of hazardous materials in the facility, users must wear the appropriate PPE, which needs to be provided by the user’s PI. Any spills, sprays or other potential contamination must be handled immediately and reported to Core personnel and JABSOM’s Environmental Health and Safety Office.
6.1 Storage on Core Computers
All data must be saved in the designated user’s network drive, flash media, or external hard drive. Any data left on the computer may be deleted at the end of the day without warning. In the event of a problem storing data, Core personnel must be notified so the data can be temporarily saved to Core drives. Downloading anything from the internet onto Core computers is strictly prohibited.
6.2 Data Ownership
All data generated from a submitted strain belongs to the submitting investigator and his/her institution. Diabetes Research Center personnel have no rights to use this data for personal or institutional research purposes unless a formal, documented arrangement of collaboration exists between DRC personnel and the investigator. The NIH strongly encourages the sharing of research data. NIH guidelines regarding data sharing can be found at http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-03-032.html.
Service Provided | UH Rate | non-UH Rate | |
In vitro Analytic Services | $30.00 | $40.00 | /sample |
Rodent Technical Services | $40.00 | $50.00 | /hour |
Procedure familiarization/training | $50.00 | $75.00 | /hour |
For other services, please contact us |