Diabetes Research Center Affiliate Members


Jane Chung-DoOur research is focused on developing, implementing, and testing novel, community-driven, and culturally-grounded interventions to curb chronic diseases and promote holistic wellness among Native Hawaiian communities. One of the interventions, called MALAMA (Mini Ahupuaʻa for Lifestyle And Meaʻai through Aquaponics), is currently funded by the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities to teach the impacts of MALAMA on the cardiometabolic health, eating habits, and food security of Native Hawaiian families in three community sites across the Hawaiian Islands. The MALAMA intervention merges Native Hawaiian ancestral knowledge with the modern technology of aquaponics and is based on a decade-long work initiated by Waimanalo community members.

Jane J. Chung-Do, MPH, DrPH, Professor
Office of Public Health Studies, University of Hawaiʻi
1960 East-West Rd Biomedical Building D103B Honolulu, HI 96822
Office Phone: 808-956-4548

George HuiMy research is on the development of blood stage human malaria vaccines; and studies on the use of different vaccine adjuvants for the malaria vaccines. Specifically, we focus on the design of vaccines based on a protein found on the surface of the blood infecting stage, merozoite of the malaria parasite. We also evaluate the use of a variety of immunological adjuvants to enhance vaccine potency and at the same time define the critical pathways for adjuvants’ mode of action. Our approaches also study the use of nanoparticle platforms for antigen delivery.

George Hui, PhD, Researcher
Department of Tropical Medicine, Medical Microbiology and Pharmacology
John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaiʻi
651 Ilalo Street, BSB 320K, Honolulu, HI 96813
Office Phone: 808-692-1609

sheree kuoOur research focuses on body composition at birth and potential implications for the development of obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome later on in life.

Sheree Kuo, MD, Assistant Professor
Attending Neonatologist, Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children
Department of Pediatrics
John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaiʻi
1319 Punahou Street, Room 738, Honolulu, HI 96826
Office Phone: 808-983-8760



Alika MaunakeaOur community-based research focuses on understanding the socioecological determinants that impact epigenomic and gut microbial pathways regulating inflammation in relation to the advancement of diabetes. This condition exhibits a disproportionately high prevalence among the NHPI population. My goal is to identify innovative biomarkers that can facilitate preventive measures. Go to the Hawaii Social Epigenomics Early Diabetes Cohort website (www.hiseed.org) to learn more.

Alika Maunakea, PhD, Professor
Department of Anatomy, Biochemistry and Physiology
John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaiʻi
1800 East-West Road, LSB-215, Honolulu, HI 96822
Office Phone: 808-692-1446

rachel novotnyI examine ethnic disparity in undernutrition, obesity and related chronic disease, at global, regional, national and individual levels, with a current focus on environmental and behavioral interventions for change; as well as ethnicity, culture, diet and physical activity on body size and composition. I have experience as a Professor, Graduate Chair, Dept. Chair and Interim Dean at the University of Hawaii, and as Director of the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research Hawaii. I currently serve on the US Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, and as Associate Editor for Nutrition Reviews Journal. I have garnered more than $30 million in federal funding as Principal Investigator, including of the $25 million USDA-funded Children’s Healthy Living (CHL) Program and the current $2.1 million CHL Center of Excellence.

Rachel Novotny, PhD RDN LD, Professor
Graduate Chair, MS Nutritional Sciences & Intercollege PhD Program in Nutrition
Director, Children’s Healthy Living Center of Excellence (CHL Center)
Department of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences
College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaiʻi
1955 East-West Road, Agricultural Sciences 302-i, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822-2231
Office Phone: 808-956-3848

alan parsaMy current research interests include establishing a link between insulin resistance, metabolic dysfunction and its progression to type 2 diabetes in adolescents and adults in the Pacific Islander/Asian Pacific population.


Alan A. Parsa, MD FACE, Associate Clinical Professor
Department of Medicine
John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaiʻi
1329 Lusitana Street, Suite 807, Honolulu, HI 96813
Office Phone: 808-526-0303


john shepherdOur research is focused on radiomic biomarker discovery using AI and deep learning, 3D optical shape and appearance modeling, and reducing the burden of disease by translating biomarkers from expensive invasive to accessible technologies and measures.

John Shepherd, PhD, Professor
Director, UHCC Artificial Intelligence Precision Health Institute
Population Sciences in the Pacific Program (Cancer Epidemiology)
University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center
701 Ilalo Street, Suite 522, Honolulu, HI 96813
Office Phone: 808-440-5230


Claire Townsend IngMy long-held academic and research interests are in health disparities informed by a social determinants framework. I collaborate with community and academic partners to adapt, test, and disseminate culturally congruent, evidence-based health promotion programs. My research includes the examination of multilevel determinants of cardiometabolic and related health in Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities. Additionally, I aim to use systems science perspective and a community-based participatory research approach to understand and address health disparities in these communities.

Claire Townsend Ing, PhD, Associate Professor
Department of Native Hawaiian Health
John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaiʻi
677 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 1016, Honolulu, HI 96813
Office Phone: 808-692-1042

kara wongMy research interest is in infant body composition and how it is affected by maternal health conditions such as diabetes and postnatal nutrition. We are also interested in exploring different techniques for accurately measuring infant body composition in a safe, quick, and non-invasive manner.

Kara Wong Ramsey, MD, Assistant Professor
Neonatologist, Kapiʻolani Medical Center for Women and Children
Department of Pediatrics
John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaiʻi
1319 Punahou Street, Honolulu, HI 96826
Office Phone: 808-983-6000